About Us

JewishInVienna offers exclusive insight into Jewish Vienna from myself, an American expat of Jewish background. With such insight, I offer the know-how of what Jewish life is like in Vienna currently and where it’s going, in Native English.

Experiences with Kosher food and transport available. As a former chef, and having personally catered at the residence of former American Ambassador Alexa Wesner, I offer personalized Viennese Kosher experiences as well upon request. As an American expat who’s been living in Vienna since the Fall of 2009. I can answer almost any question regarding Jewish life here. As such, I’m eager to share my experience with YOU!

Having moved to Vienna to study Business Administration, I participated in various Jewish-themed activities and organizations. I was a member of the Austrian Jewish Students’ Union

I have been a participant at local Limmud events and Jewish community gatherings. As such, as an “Insider,” I am pleased to pass my knowledge on to you.

Likewise, I can offer the services and contact details of my partner, a professional Viennese tour guide that shares her passion for Jewish tours of Vienna and the surrounding areas. Elena Levina specializes in tours of Vienna in Russian and German eplevina@hotmail.com
